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Category Archives: Construction Worker Injury


Injuries in the Most Dangerous Types of Construction Work

By Steinhardt, Siskind and Lieberman, LLC |

Nearly all types of construction work in Maryland come with some injury risks, but certain construction jobs are more hazardous than others. Compared to other states, Maryland has a lower rate of workplace injuries in general. That data also applies to construction, meaning that construction workers in Maryland suffer fewer nonfatal and fatal injuries… Read More »

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Why is Construction Excavation Work So Dangerous?

By Steinhardt, Siskind and Lieberman, LLC |

The construction industry has a high rate of worker injuries and deaths, and construction workers are routinely exposed to hazards that can cause serious and life-threatening injuries. While the whole of the construction industry poses more injury risks than many other industries, some types of jobs are more dangerous than others. Indeed, within the… Read More »

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Demolition Work Hazards and Injuries

By Steinhardt, Siskind and Lieberman, LLC |

The dangers of construction work — excavating ground for foundations, building new structures, adding and repairing roofs — is relatively well-known in Maryland. To be sure, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) routinely cites the construction industry as one of the most hazardous given the high rate of serious injuries and deaths affecting… Read More »

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Crane Injuries on Construction Sites

By Steinhardt, Siskind and Lieberman, LLC |

Most large-scale construction sites require cranes to perform certain types of building and repair work. For construction workers in Maryland, cranes are among the more dangerous types of equipment on construction sites, and they are often cited in serious and deadly accidents that occur. There are different types of cranes that can be used… Read More »

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Electrical Injuries and Maryland Construction Work

By Steinhardt, Siskind and Lieberman, LLC |

Construction work in Maryland can be extremely dangerous for workers, even when appropriate safety measures are taken in advance. Given that construction workers often must perform job tasks at heights, using heavy equipment and machinery, and in highway work zones, there are various types of hazards to which construction workers are exposed. The Occupational… Read More »

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What to Know About Falls in Workplaces

By Steinhardt, Siskind and Lieberman, LLC |

Employees can fall at work and sustain injuries under many different types of circumstances. Sometimes falls are “slips and falls,” or “trips and falls,” and they occur at the same level when an employee slips or trips on a slick flooring area or an object and falls to the ground. Under other circumstances, employees… Read More »

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Crane Injuries in Construction and Manufacturing

By Steinhardt, Siskind and Lieberman, LLC |

Crane operators are essential for a wide range of construction and manufacturing work on jobsites that require moving heavy loads. While crane safety has improved, and employers have recognized the need to take training for crane operation and work around cranes very seriously, serious accidents and injuries still occur in Maryland and throughout the… Read More »

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Construction Work Injuries in Trenching and Excavation

By Steinhardt, Siskind and Lieberman, LLC |

Construction work in Maryland, regardless of the type of construction work being done, tends to involve more hazards than many other kinds of work. Indeed, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, construction work is a leading cause of work-related injury and death, and the majority of fatal injuries result from… Read More »

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Most Common Causes of Construction Worker Injuries

By Steinhardt, Siskind and Lieberman, LLC |

Construction work in Maryland and throughout the country is extremely dangerous. Although safety precautions — most of which are required under the law — can prevent most types of severe construction work injuries, accidents continue to occur on construction sites, and workers get hurt. The construction industry has one of the highest rates of… Read More »

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Does Hearing Loss Qualify for Workers’ Compensation?

By Steinhardt, Siskind and Lieberman, LLC |

Maryland’s workers’ compensation system provides benefits to anyone with an on-the-job injury. Hearing loss is a serious problem, affecting manufacturing and construction workers in large numbers, as well as anyone who works in a loud environment. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has passed noise standards to protect workers from excess noise…. Read More »

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