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The Law Offices of Steinhardt, Siskind and Lieberman, LLC. Something else

What to Expect in the Workers’ Compensation Process


If you were recently injured while working in Maryland, it is essential to begin the process of seeking workers’ compensation benefits. The claims process has many different steps, and some of those steps involve specific requirements that the injured employee must complete. At other stages of the process, your employer, the insurer, and the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC) will have tasks that they must complete. It can be frustrating and confusing to understand what you should expect, and to know how long you will need to wait at particular moments in the workers’ compensation claims process.

The best way to ensure that you meet all requirements as an injured employee is to work closely with an experienced Maryland workers’ compensation attorney on your case from the start. In the meantime, we can provide you with more information about the claims process and what you should anticipate happening as you move forward with a claim.

Stages of the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Claims Process 

While it is important to remember that every workers’ compensation case will have its own set of facts, the following are the general stages of the claims process that you should anticipate:

  • Employee reports their injury to their employer as soon as possible, but at least within 10 days from the date of the injury;
  • Once the employer receives notice from the employee, the employer will file a First Report of injury or illness;
  • Employee files a workers’ compensation claim with the Maryland WCC, which usually must be done within 60 days from the date of the injury (if more than two years pass, the injured employee may be barred from workers’ compensation benefits);
  • Maryland WCC will issue a “notice of claim filed,” acknowledging the employee’s claim;
  • Employer or the insurer will pay benefits to the injured employee within 21 days of the date the employee filed their claim, or the employer or the insurer will raise issues with the claim;
  • Maryland WCC will process the claim, and will issue an award or send the case for a hearing within 30 days from the date it was filed;
  • Employee will enter into the “healing period” where they will receive medical care and treatment, and will either be receiving wage replacement benefits or going through a hearing if their claim was contested;
  • Employee reaches “maximum medical improvement,” at which point the employee can be eligible for permanent disability benefits.

When an employee’s claim is contested by the employee or insurer, or issues with the claim are raised, the hearing will require submitting evidence and going through a trial-like process. It is still possible to obtain benefits and to prove your case at a hearing, but it will be particularly important to have a workers’ compensation lawyer on your side during this process.

Contact a Maryland Workers’ Compensation Lawyer 

The workers’ compensation process in Maryland can be complicated, but you can ensure that you meet all deadlines and understand all requirements by working with one of the experienced Maryland workers’ compensation lawyers at the Law Offices of Steinhardt, Siskind and Lieberman, LLC. Contact us today for assistance with your workers’ compensation claim.


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